Sunday, August 25, 2013


Rafa's next post: Jun 3rd, 2006

Hi everyone, 

Here I am again on a very special day. As you know today it was my 20th birthday. That means I am no longer a teenager!!! Not sure if that's good or bad.

Well, it was a special day: My birthday and a very difficult match. I knew it was going to be difficult and therefore I was a bit nervous before the match. To play a French player at home is never easy and on top of that Paul-Henri plays great tennis as everyone has seen. Sometimes people think it is easy for us, but believe me it is very difficult. 

Today as I mentioned to you yesterday, I got a 10 am pick up at the hotel and we headed again for the site. Being Saturday morning, the traffic to get to the site was much better and that means that in 15 minutes we were there. 

People are very nice with me and a lot of them knew it was my birthday so from the driver who took us to the site, the people at the security at the tournament and everyone that works there gave us the good morning with a big smile and a happy birthday. So the first thing I want to say is thanks to all of you who have been sending me messages in any way.

Coming to my day, as you can imagine, 5 hours of today were taken by a match. I am playing too many of these, right? In Rome over 5 hours and today nearly 5 hours... With days like this the day goes fast.

I warmed up again with Martin del Potro. For those of you who don't know him, he is a very tall Argentinean player that plays really good. I think he is over 1m 90. You will hear that name in the future. He left today to Buenos Aires so I am changing tomorrow to another partner to hit with.

I took things easy today and stayed most of the time in the locker room. You want to stay calm and quiet before such an important match and therefore I only went upstairs to get some food.

I am not going to talk about the match since some of you have seen it on TV (or in the stadium) and also the media is giving reports of it. Right after the match I was very tired and I have a picture there to prove it. It was getting late and they told me that I had to go somewhere before going to press. It happened to be a surprise and they gave me a cake (it was pretty good although I don't know what was it) and some champagne. The tournament people, ATP and ITF had prepared all the photographers and TVs there to take pictures of it. 

My uncle Toni and his wife and daughter were there as well. Toni came close to me and put the cake on my face. ;D ;D ;D Thank God it was a hard one and it did not stay. The funny thing was that the candles where like rockets and I got pretty scared since the fire was pretty big. We all drank some of the champagne and ate the cake with the media and organizers. This is very nice of them and I want to thank them. Last year my birthday was also in this tournament and I remember that Pau Gasol brought in the cake into the press conference room. I still remember it.

So we got pretty late to the press conference. I think it was around 9.30 pm. I have also sent a picture they took of me at the press conference and another one with the t-shirt that the Spanish journalists gave me as a present. 

Guys, thank you very much for the t-shirt and for all the time you follow me. We have to take a picture of all of you and post it here also so that people see your faces.

After the press conference, I think it was 10 pm or so, we went to the transport office to get a car to take us back to the hotel. It was already dark and when we passed the Eiffel Tower, I took a picture of it. It is really nice at night with all the lights illuminating it.

Apparently my team had booked a table at a very nice restaurant in Paris to celebrate the birthday but since it was so late they had to cancel it (I was also very tired) and we decided to go to the pizzeria we have been going to these days. I ate some fried gambas with rice and some grilled fish (loup in French). 

Carlos Costa took a picture of the group. You will recognise there also is Alex Corretja who came with us since he is also staying at the same hotel. We talked about the match, about funny stories on tour such as old matches, surprise results in the past, the World Cup and other things.

Anyway, I am going to leave you guys since I am writing this after dinner, it is late and I still have to get a short massage. Tomorrow I am going late to the tournament to get a light practice around 2 pm.

See you all tomorrow.



Interview before Roland Garros

Day 14 - An interview with Rafael Nadal
Saturday, June 10, 2006

Q. After the Rome final, Roger Federer said, "Now I guess I know how to beat him." What do you think? How can he do this probably?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think nothing about that, no? Maybe he can beat me not now, after Rome. He can beat me in Monte‑Carlo, last year here, in Rome. Every time he can beat me. He is No. 1. I need find solution for beat him, not he find a solution for beat me, no?

Q. If you compare these finals of Rome, Monte‑Carlo, do you think the two of you got closer together, or the games were closer?

RAFAEL NADAL: Maybe that's not true. That's not true. Maybe that's not true. Every match is different. Every match is different history. Every match is different sensations, different places. Is not we can't compare one with other one. Is not exactly now he know me better and he can beat me because he can beat me in Monte‑Carlo and in every place. He's the best of the world, one of the best of the history, no? He can beat me in clay, for sure. But not now; every time, no?

Q. Are you getting used to all the show biz, coming today, talking to the journalists, the publicity? Does it make you tired or are you getting used to it?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I know I need do that. Is a part of the work. And I know, no? I know why we need do that, no?

Q. Tomorrow's final, are you waiting it with tension because of the intensity of the match or are you waiting it with, I would say, tennis appetite?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, I am waiting with motivation. I wait with motivation and with...

Q. Is there an extra stress of playing against Federer compared to the other matches?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, is against the No. 1. I know he's the No. 1. He has the pression. I want to win, sure, but he has the most pression, no? He's the favorite. If he win tomorrow, he have the Grand Slam.

So for me, he has more pression than me, no? I gonna try my best. But I am quiet, no? I am with calm now. Tomorrow before the match I gonna be nervous, sure.

Q. But do you sincerely believe he is the favorite?

RAFAEL NADAL: Yeah, sure.

BENITO PEREZ‑BARBADILLO: He says he's not throwing balls away. He said, "I'm not throwing balls away."

Q. What do you remember about last year's final? Puerta seemed to be injured at the beginning, then he played very, very good. It was very exciting for you. It was a closer match than you expected?

RAFAEL NADAL: Final last year?

Q. Last year against Puerta, it was a very good match, you enjoy?

RAFAEL NADAL: I enjoy and suffer. It was a very, very tough match. Nice, maybe. Many emotions, emotive. So I remember exactly the final. I watch this final on TV a lot of times. I run a lot. I was running a lot and fight a lot, no? So I had a very good remember all last year, no.

Q. You think it is sad that Puerta cannot play now, or that's the rules and that's how it has to be?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't want to speak about that, no? Because I always think about the good faith of the players, and maybe is a mistake. So I don't want to speak about nothing because he's a... (in Spanish).


RAFAEL NADAL: Working companion. I don't want to think he want to do the doping he don't won. Is better lose the final of Roland Garros for sure than not play for never, no?

Q. You've been unbeaten on clay for over 50 games in a row. How much confidence do you take out of this fact? How much confidence does this give to you?

RAFAEL NADAL: No, is confidence for sure. I have 59 matches consecutive on clay, so that's an unbelievable record for me.

Is very difficult. I know very much I could lose, sure, but when I go to the court I feel with confidence for that, too, no?

THE MODERATOR: Questions in Spanish.

Q. What is the difference between the final of last year and this final? The match, the opponent, everything?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't like comparing previous years with this year. I don't think you can compare. It's different times, different situations. It's a different moment in life. I don't think we can compare. These are two entirely different finals.

Last year and this final are completely different. I think last year I was probably the favorite. This year it's not the case. It's a completely different moment.

Q. How are you preparing from the mental point of view for the final? And, second question, what past player would you have liked to play a final of Roland Garros against?

RAFAEL NADAL: Well, I'm going to prepare the same as any other match. I don't think I'm going to do anything special. I like to follow my routine. I think it's extra pressure to change your preparation. I'm going to try to prepare the same as ever.

And in terms of players of the past that I would have liked to face Kuerten. I think I would have liked to play a number of players.

Q. Can you explain the influence of your uncle Miguel Angel on your career?

RAFAEL NADAL: Miguel Angel?

Q. Yes, his influence. Did he have an influence on you when you were a child?

RAFAEL NADAL: I don't think so. I think that my family benefitted from the experience. I think that it helped me to assimilate a number of things. It served as a reference, possibly.

But he also had his life, he had his work. Until last year practically, I didn't see him that much. I saw him when he was home in Mallorca, but he was frequently away and I was frequently away as well.

Q. We know that you don't really like to change your tennis in terms of your opponents, but you want to be more aggressive against Federer?
RAFAEL NADAL: Yes, but I'll follow my usual game. You have to play your own game. If you try to do something you don't know how to do, you'll probably play badly. I'm going to play my usual game, my usual tennis. That is the starting point. I might try to attack a little bit more, to be a little bit more aggressive, to try to get into control of the match.

taken from

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